„Ich bedanke mich bei dir, weil du verstehst was ich sage“, Dmitri Bashkirov, Pianist, Berlin, 2018

Japan 2023 - Mendelssohn Projekt

Tokyo, Philip and Laetitia Hahn, together with Robert Ryker and the Tokio Sinfonia, finally realized their comprehensive project after a two-year postponement, in which they did not only play the piano, but also stood at the conductor's podium. The following was performed:

Overture to The First Walpurgis Night, Op. 60
Concerto No. 1 for Piano & Strings in G Minor, Op. 25
Concerto No. 2 for Piano & Strings in D Minor, Op. 40
Overture to A Midsummernight’s Dream, Op. 21


„Laetitia, du bist jetzt zehn. Aber was du da gleich spielst ist schon sehr, sehr virtuos. So spielen viele nicht … mit 90“ Stefan Raab, Talkshow Moderator TV-total, 2014





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